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About Us

Paigham-E-Islam Trust Britain a.k.a Fulham Road Mosque (Jamiat Al-Dawah Al-lslamiah Britania) is a registered  organisation (Charity No.508711) and has been serving the community since 1978.

Our website aims to provide up-to-date information about our centre's current events, activities and services. 

Thank you for visiting.

MOSQUE UPGRADE PROJECT 2024 - Donations Appeal to raise £80,000

URDU Translation 'Help Build Us Your Mosque'  (click on link)

To Donate:
 - online select donation type :
  • Mosque Upgrade project *New*
-bank transfer 

Sort Code: 20-08-98   
Account No. 20663069  
Account name : Paigham E Islam Trust

Support The Mosque - DONATE ONLINE 

You can now donate online by selecting one of the  following donation types below :

Select donation type

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, 

The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.” [Bukhari] ))


1st: Jamat 1:30pm    
2nd Jamat 2:30pm

*Paigham-E-Islam Trust*
*Madrassah admissions open now*

  • Boys & Girls
  • Ages : 5 --- 10 years
  • Time:  *5pm --- 7pm*
  • Days : *Monday --- Friday*
  • Quran with tajweed
  • Islamic studies
  • Urdu &Arabic
  • Hifz e Quran

Best achievement awards ukim madaris
Contacts : 0121 773 8301 (Office)
Mobile    : 07828273461 (Headteacher)

Admission forms can be obtained from Masjid shop


Hadith : Honesty In Transactions

It was narrated that Hakim bin Hizam (RA) said:
"The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: 'The two parties to a transaction have the choice so long as they have not separated. If they are honest and open, their transaction will be blessed, but if they tell lies and conceal anything, the blessing of their transaction will be lost."

(Sunan an-Nasa'i 4457, Book 44, Hadith 9)

Be honest in all that you do. Honesty is full of blessings and reflects good character. Dishonesty removes blessings and is harmful. In whatever transactions you undertake, be honest and fair. Then if your transactions are blessed, so will your trade be Insha’Allah. 

Paigham-E-Islam, Foodhub, Stratford Rd, Sparkhill 

Next Food Hub : Friday 28th June 2024

Last Friday of every month between 6pm and 8 pm

Got a question or require advice on a matter? Contact  Imaam Sajjad. Click here for contact details.

                                     Paigham-E-Islam Trust Britain | © All Rights Reserved 2019 UK Registered Charity No. 508711